Iqbal and Faqr Book - English Translation

Iqbal and Faqr Book – English Translation

Iqbal, the sagacious philosopher’s poetry is brimming with all of it. The book in hand not only has the original poetry in Urdu and Persian but for ease of readers its transliteration is also written along with a detailed explanation in English. Iqbal’s point of view is parallel to many other Sufis who are also quoted.
Address: Sultan-ul-Faqr House,Tehreek Dawat e Faqr,4-5/A Extention Education Town Wahdat Road Lahore,Pakistan
Phone:+9242 35436600
+923214507000 (Available on Whatsapp, Viber and IMO )
+923324809539 (Available on Whatsapp)

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