Ganj-e-Deen Treasure of The Religion

Ganj-e-Deen (Treasure of The Religion) English Translation with Persian Text

Ganj-e-Deen (Treasure of The Religion) is a rare treatise by the great Saint Sultan Bahoo in which he has encompassed the basic teachings of Sufism beautifully as if an ocean in a drop. It explains the grandeur and miraculous effects of Ism-e-Allah Zaat along with the need of perfect spiritual guide to have the beneficence of Ism-e-Allah Zaat.

If a true seeker of Allah finds both, he in fact finds treasure of the religion. Sultan Bahoo acclaims this book as, “This book is written according to the Mohammadan way and is the bestowal and beneficence of Allah. It is a source of accomplishment in gnosis for all the seekers whether one is at initial or final level.”

To purchase hard copies of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo Books kindly contact at:

Address: Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications: 4-5/A Extention Education Town Wahdat Road Lahore,Pakistan

Phone:+9242 35436600

+923214507000 (Available on Whatsapp, Viber and IMO )

+923324809539 (Available on Whatsapp)

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