
Talmeez-ur-Rehman – English Translation of Sultan Bahoo Book

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The book is crux of Sufism. The entire Sufi teachings enclosed in nutshell. Sultan Bahoo, the great Sufi Saint, is teaching the seekers of Allah the lessons of Divine love and the ways to have Divine vision and union. He has explained the Sufi terms in a unique manner with a different perspective. A seeker of Allah can discover new horizons of spirituality by reading the book and following its teachings.

To purchase hard copies of Hazrat Sultan Bahoo Books kindly contact:

Address: Sultan-ul-Faqr Publications: 4-5/A Extention Education Town Wahdat Road Lahore,Pakistan


+9242 35436600

+923214507000 (Available on Whatsapp, Viber and IMO )

+923324809539 (Available on Whatsapp)



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