The Mohammadan Reality

Several books have been written on the physical aspects of the Holy Prophet but the major aspect, the spiritual one has always been missed by the writers. Although this book unfolds the reality of the creation and the Creator Who created His Beloved first of all and made everything for him. Faith is not perfected without his Ishq. He is the Manifestation of Divine Essence. It is the Prophet Mohammad who is the authoritative being of His riches and the Alams and who is ever present in the world for his lovers to feast their eyes on his exquisite beauty. He is the first, the last and the obvious and hidden. He is endowed upon the vast knowledge of the cosmos as Allah Himself knows everything. He is the mirror of the Divine Beauty. The spiritual ones are still benefitted by his guidance. His love burns all other loves into ashes and then the faith is accomplished. One must know the true status of the Holy Prophet which was granted to him by Allah Himself. The book can enlighten the Momins to recognize their beloved prophet.

Published by Sultan ul Faqr Publications
+923004737607 (Moghees Afzal Sarwari Qadri)
+923214151910 ( Ahsan Ali Sarwari Qadri)
+923214507000 ( Malik Naeem Abbas Khokhar Sarwari Qadri – Available on WhatsApp,IMO and Viber)

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1 Comment

  • hussein 7 years ago

    YA HU
    Fakir like very much your books and like to buy all of them in english inshallah
    Can you send them in greece?also tell fakir how can send the money inshallah
    Your tariqah HAQ HAQ HAQ

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